Sunday, January 7, 2018

New clothes

We have some friends at church whose children are a little older than ours, and who are kind enough to pass us along all of their old clothes once their kids outgrow them. Last week, Edie and Tamsen came back from church with three full garbage bags full of clothes for us.

We got to sorting and trying them on. Edie was excited about it, but Marty was, well, see for yourself.

He's giving the side-eye, as if to say, "can you guys believe I have to waste my time with all of these clothes," but the cocky jaunt and subtle swagger show us that he's really enjoying himself. He stayed on the couch while Edie looked through everything, but he was still interested in everything that was coming out of the bag.

Edie really enjoyed her new clothes. You may be able to tell here, in this picture where I asked her to show me her new clothes.

New sweater, new blouse, new skirt, and new leggings? Yes please! We also went to get her hair cut yesterday, and she sat in the chair all by herself and even made polite chit chat with the stylist. ("Do you like the trolls?" "Um, I watch minions.")

It's been really cold here lately, like it has been pretty much everywhere. Both of the kids got colds before Christmas, but Marty's hasn't really gotten better, so we took him in to the doctor this week. He was able to lick the walls twice before the doctor came in, who told us that he had an ear infection. Hopefully it didn't come from wall-licking. Lucky for us, he seems to genuinely enjoy taking his medicine, so at least we don't have to fight him on that. Here's hoping he doesn't get a taste for it and start searching the house for more.

School starts back up on Monday for Edie, and she's really excited about that, too. It's been close to three weeks since she's been, since school was closed this last week due to the weather. She's ready to go back, and I'm pretty sure we're ready, too.

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