Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cabin fever

We got another snow storm this week: two and a half inches!

I can practically hear your scoffs through the internet, so let me head you off by saying that by Nashville standards, two and a half inches is really quite a lot of snow. Not only that, but the temperatures were in the single digits until Friday afternoon, so Edie's school was cancelled for the entire week. (Again, Northerners, this really is a big deal here.) At first, it was fun playing in the snow, but it didn't take long for cabin fever to set in.

Marty, for example, entirely forgot how to get food in his mouth.

The poor boy was frantically smearing food all over himself, only to find that he couldn't get it into his mouth. However, he ended the day with a bold new look, carefully having styled his hair with chowder.

Edie forgot that her eyes work just fine and insisted on wearing my glasses in order to see properly.

(Aside: little kids always want to grab glasses off of your face. You may be tempted to let them play with your glasses because they'll look funny. DO NOT GIVE IN TO THIS TEMPTATION. YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE OUT OF YOUR FINGER-SMUDGED GLASSES EVER AGAIN.)

She was also so confused that she put on a shirt Marty got for Christmas, thinking it was hers.

It actually fits her pretty well, but part of that is just that Marty is so large that the two of them have torsos that are roughly the same size.

They've been having a lot of fun around the house, but we're very excited that the weather has warmed up so they can go outside again.

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