Sunday, March 11, 2018

Cakes and faces

Both of the kids are feeling much better this week, which is good, because we were planning on going to our church cake auction this weekend and spending time with some friends. We were all looking forward to it, but maybe none of us as much as Edie, who kept saying over and over that she was going to win a strawberry cake. She looked all of the cakes over and came up with a few that were her favorites.

There was some stiff competition, but fortunately, we were able to come up with one that she liked.

That's Edie with one of her church friends. They were both very excited to see each other in theory, but when they actually saw each other and realized that they'd have to deal with an actual person, they both became very shy. It took time time of sitting next to each other before they realized that hiding under the table and climbing up and down on chairs was really fun. They had a great time. (Edie adores her cake. You can't see, but it's pink on the inside and strawberry-flavored.)

Marty had a buddy he could play with, too, but to be honest, he was less interested in playing with someone and more interested in trying to drink from a cup in the most horrifying way possible.

The picture doesn't really do it justice. He smashed as much of his face as possible into the cup, then let his long, prehensile tongue slither its way around the cup, sucking up as much water as possible. The cup was pressed so far into his mouth that it gave him a terrifying Glasgow-looking smile (think the Joker). He's a terrifying boy.

That said, he's not always disgusting. He likes to sit inside and watch Edie wait for her bus in the morning, and he's pretty darned adorable when he does that.

And for her part, Edie isn't always so adorable. Today after church, I was sitting on the couch and asked if she wanted to take a picture with me. One of us made an effort to look nice. One of us... didn't.

"I was just singing," she tried to explain, as she made an even more ridiculous face.

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