Sunday, May 20, 2018

On the couch

We watch maybe a little more TV than we ought to, but dang it, the kids can be so cute when they're sitting around watching TV. Take the girl, for instance. When she's not screaming about how we need to be watching Paw Patrol Play-Doh videos right now, she can flash a winning smile with the best of them.

Marty doesn't tend to smile much while watching TV, but he does sit very placidly on the couch and mumble "Peppa, Peppa" to himself while watching, well, mostly Peppa Pig.

Marty is getting better and better about talking, which is alternately fun and bizarre. It's nice to be able to ask him if he does or does not want to eat something rather than guessing and having him scream at us. Earlier this week, though, he was throwing everything on the ground, and rather than asking whether or not he wanted to eat specific foods, I just threw up my hands and said, "Marty, what do you want?" He quickly responded, "black girls!"

Now, in retrospect, I'm pretty sure he meant to say "pretzels," which we have and he eats often, but this was much funnier, so we went with it. And even better, my co-worker, who is a single black woman, told me that she was indeed available. Wedding bells soon!

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